Legal notices

Wellio has the pleasure of welcoming you to its site and helping you to get to know us better. This site’s purpose is to provide information on the company and its activities.

Wellio has opened this site for the personal information of its users. Commercial exploitation (even partial) of the data presented on this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of Wellio.


•             Wellio, a general partnership company with a capital of €1,000

•             Registered office: 10 Rue de Madrid 75008 Paris, France

•             R.C.S: PARIS 832117402

•             SIRET: 83211740200012

•             N.I.F.: FR85 832 117 402

•             Offices: 10 Rue de Madrid 75008 Paris, France

•             Telephone: +33 (0)1 58 97 50 00

•             Email:

•             Webmaster: Maxime Genest,

Hosting and design

•             Host: Claranet Oxalyde

•             Design and development: Be API, WordPress agency

•             Webmaster:

Crédits photos

  •, Julien Philippe / Claude Benard / Olivier Ouadah / Tchavolo  

Photo credits

•   , Julien Philippe / Claude Benard

Intellectual property

All elements of the website (including domain names, trademarks, logos, slogans, drawings, models, documentation, illustrations, photographs, images, texts, software, soundtracks) are the exclusive property of Wellio.
With the exception of the prior written consent of Wellio, it is forbidden to reproduce, represent, distribute, associate, exploit, adapt, arrange, modify, translate, correct, transmit, commercialize, all or part of the website and/or any of its components, by any means and on any medium.

The copy for private, personal and non-commercial use of these various objects of rights is authorized provided that the source and related rights are mentioned.
Any violation of these mandatory provisions by the user of the website or by a third party is likely to engage the responsibility of Wellio.

Hypertext links and content

The creation of a hypertext link to the site is authorised. Under no circumstances may Wellio be held liable for information published on these sites via these hypertext links.

The information and presentations contained in the pages of this site are provided purely for illustration and may be changed at any time without notice. Their use for private or professional purposes will not render Wellio liable in any way.

Wellio cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustive nature of the information made available on this site.

Consequently Wellio accepts no liability:

for any inaccuracy, omission or lack of precision relating to the information available on this site

any damages, direct and/or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequence, caused by anyone accessing the site or being unable to access it, as well as the use of the site and/or the credit given to any piece of information coming directly or indirectly from the site for any use which may be made of these various items of information.

Personal data processing policy

You will find the Wellio personal data processing policy here.

When you reserve a meeting room, you are directed to the site of our partner Mon Building.