What are the opening hours of your establishment?

Our sites are open 24/7 for all of our resident clients.

In the interests of cost management and the environment, our sites go into off-hours mode after business hours:

  • Gare de Lyon: open from 8am to 7pm / off-hours from 8pm to 7am and at weekends.
  • Miromesnil: open from 8am to 7pm / off-hours from 8pm to 7am and at weekends.
  • Montmartre: open from 8am to 7pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 5.30pm on Friday / off-hours from 8pm to 7am and at weekends.
  • Bordeaux: open from 8.30am to 5.30pm / off-hours from 8pm to 7am and at weekends.
  • Marseille: open from 8.30am to 7pm / off-hours from 8pm to 7am and at weekends.

During periods of off-hours mode, sites, services and resources are consequently reduced. Sites are not accessible to visitors during off-hours.

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